The Internet during a Pandemic

Stacey Dai
2 min readMar 14, 2021


Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

The Internet has undoubtedly been playing a large role in the midst of the global pandemic. Despite the physical distancing requirements that were put in place by many countries, the Internet has helped us to mitigate the “social” distance that we may feel as a result of physical distancing. Through video chatting, social media and various other platforms, we have still managed to continue to find comfort in connecting with others through digital means. As Kaitlyn Tiffany mentions in her article, social media has become a way for us to satisfy our need for social interaction. Whether that be through Instagram story posts or random videos online of other people, all these have served as means for human connection and intimacy.

However, Internet in the midst of the pandemic can also be seen as a double-edged sword. While it has fostered human connection, it has also in some ways made connection more difficult. Over the course of the pandemic, there seemed to be a rise in cancel culture as public figures are being “cancelled” for problematic behaviors or statements. While it is good to hold people accountable, cancel culture can create an online environment that is intolerant and overly judgmental.

One example of using Internet technologies to serve the needs of others I have personally seen is using social media to spread awareness about different topics such as mental health. I often see posts and videos on Instagram and YouTube that talk about mental health or give brief overviews of different psychological disorders. I think these are helpful for bringing awareness and also reducing stigma.

