Games for learning

Stacey Dai
2 min readMar 28, 2021


Photo by Sean Stone on Unsplash

For too long, we have overlooked the benefits and merits of video games. Emerging research is re-examining the common belief that games are a distraction or a waste of time and has found that video games actually help develop various important skills and increase engagement. In the article Growth, Grit, and Gaming, Sherri Walker discusses the value of gaming in regards to developing skills for learning. This includes building a growth mindset and engaging in meaningful learning experiences. Teachers and educators have been using game as a means to engage students in learning. Minecraft even supports a platform that allows classrooms to interact in the virtual Minecraft world to complete tasks and learn to communicate effectively.

The World Health Organization article was especially helpful for understanding healthy gaming for kids. From the information that was provided by WHO, there are three key tips that I would offer to parents or teachers when it comes to supporting the healthy use of online gaming for kids. The first tip is to teach healthy boundaries, which includes physical boundaries. This means keeping devices in a designated area or spending time away from the screen. Another tip would be to set a certain amount of time per day that a child can access devices as another way of teaching boundaries. Another tip for teachers in particular would be to teach digital literacy and practice connected learning in classrooms to ensure that kids have a healthy relationship with technology. This would include using games as a means for learning and engagement from students.

One game I like to play with my friends is Overcooked. It is a multiplayer online cooking game that requires communication and teamwork in order to complete the tasks for each level. I think it’s a very good game for learning in that students can practice good communication and also collaboration as each player has to be aware of what tasks they are in charge of in order for the game to run smoothly.

